Monday, January 5, 2009

A Case of Accidental Environmental Education

Down the back of our property we have a beautiful little creek. Most of the time it is fairly shallow. However, after a splash of rain it is fast flowing, deep in parts and a lot of fun.

Last month the children decided to spend a lazy, Sunday afternoon exploring the creek and all its creatures. To their amazement, amongst the reeds, they discovered a huge population of tiny fish, namely.. guppies. Without hesitation, this brought upon a mission to catch and collect as many of the little cuties as possible for closer observation.

Out came the Tupperware!! Wade was quick to collect and after a joint effort of retrieving close to 100?? - claims Wade :) we watched and took note of their size, colour, speed and agility, but mostly just watched and enjoyed. I'm not sure who suggested it, but at some stage our new friends were freed from the plastic restraints of the Tupperware and presented to our small pond in the garden. It was a momentous event!!

Why did we not return them to their natural habitat of the creek?? Not entirely sure, but after researching guppies on the internet we learnt that guppies are not native to Australia and are actually a threat to the environment. Some sites even suggested that if you come across them to "destroy them immediately, kill them, kill them all". A little gruesome I know..

It turns out that guppies were introduced to Australia for reasons similar to that of the dreaded Cane Toad. They were meant to take control of mosquito populations but unfortunately the little buggars were not all that keen and due to the fact that they reproduce very young, their numbers get out of hand in our natural waterways and compete for food and space with our native species.

So, while I am not advocating a mass Guppie Genocide, I am quite proud that our providing a new "contained" home for them has successfully contributed to protecting and maintaining our local creek. And, it all began with three kids exploring and having fun in nature.
Now, for those concerned.. all guppies are flourishing and doing well. In fact, if the pond does become a little crowded in time, I am sure our loveable, "friendly", plump Goldfish inside will be delighted to welcome a handful or two of them to their tank. ;D

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